Classes and object orientation (part 2)

These lecture notes spell out the details of creating and using classes in C++.

A more concrete example

Actually writing a game in C++ (like we discussed in Classes and object orientation) is too much work for right now. Let's bring the discussion back to something very basic: a Shape class and some subclasses.

Shape diagram

Now we'll write the C++ code. First, the Shape class.

class Shape
    double x;
    double y;

We use the keyword public for technical reasons (alternatives are private and protected). Eventually we'll learn why we need that, but for now just consider it to be a necessary addition in order for the inheritance to work properly.

Next, the Rectangle class. On the first line, we'll write Rectangle : public Shape to indicate that Rectangle inherits properties and methods from Shape (public again, to make the inheritance work). We'll also write a function header for the area method.

class Rectangle : public Shape
    double width;
    double height;

    double area();

The other classes are similarly written:

class Ellipse : public Shape
    double major_axis;
    double minor_axis;

    double area();

class Triangle : public Shape
    double side1;
    double side2;
    double angle_between;

    double area();

Let's write the code for the area functions. We could have written the code in the class declaration, but it's more common to write the code outside the class declaration (actually, in .cpp files, whereas the class declarations above are in .h files). If we just write double area() { ... } then the compiler won't know which area function we are defining (is it Rectangle's? is it Triangle's?). So we use the :: syntax to indicate which class method we are defining.

double Rectangle::area()
    return width * height;

double Ellipse::area()
    return 3.1415926 * major_axis * minor_axis;

double Triangle::area()
    return 0.5 * side1 * side2 * sin(angle_between);

Here is a simple main function to test some of these features:

int main()
    Triangle t;
    t.x = 5;
    t.y = 4;
    t.side1 = 3;
    t.side2 = 4;
    t.angle_between = 3.1415926/2.0;

    cout << t.area() << endl;
    cout << t.x << "," << t.y << endl;

We see on the screen:



Constructors are special functions that are used to give an object some initial values. Our Rectangle class, for example, has the properties width, height, x, and y (the latter two are inherited from the Shape class). Let's say we want to provide a constructor so that a programmer can create a new Rectangle instance and provide these values all at once.

There are several kinds of constructors. For now, we'll just worry about the simple kind. This simple kind of constructor is a function that has the same name as the class (Rectangle) and returns nothing. It has no return type! Not even void. Weird, huh? You'll see that C++'s object-orientation features require some gymnastic maneuvers to get all the details right.

Here is our Rectangle class, with a constructor header added.

class Rectangle : public Shape
    double width;
    double height;

    Rectangle(double _width, double _height,
              double _x, double _y);
    double area();

We can define the constructor later like so:

Rectangle::Rectangle(double _width, double _height,
                     double _x, double _y)
    width = _width;
    height = _height;
    x = _x;
    y = _y;

Notice we name the parameters _width, _height, etc. with underscores in front in order to still be able to refer to the Rectangle class variables width, height, etc.

Now, when the Rectangle class is used, say inside the main method, this particular constructor can be used to create a new instance:

int main()
    Rectangle r(10.0, 10.0, 9.3, 2.3);
    cout << r.width << endl;
    cout << r.height << endl;
    // etc...

Of course, the constructor can do anything; it's a normal function. This example was just a simple constructor that set some values; this kind of constructor is very common, however.

Printing an object

Our Rectangle, Triangle, Ellipse, and Shape classes, as they exist at this point, cannot be printed. We would like to create a Rectangle called r and use code like cout << r << endl; to print information about the rectangle.

C++ makes that task too complicated for the moment, but we can achieve something close to that. Just define a void method called, perhaps, print() and use cout to show the object information on the screen.

class Rectangle : public Shape
    double width;
    double height;

    Rectangle(double _width, double _height,
              double _x, double _y);
    double area();
    void print();

And somewhere below is the function:

void Rectangle::print()
    cout << "Rectangle " << width << " by " << height
         << " at position " << x << "," << y << endl;

This print function can be used in main (or wherever):

int main()
    Rectangle r(10.0, 10.0, 9.3, 2.3);

We get the following result:

Rectangle 10 by 10 at position 9.3,2.3

Reading an object

We want to create a new shape based on input from the user. To do so, we'll create a function that's not a class member function but rather an external function (which should probably still be mentioned in the particular shape's .h file and programmed in the .cpp file). The reason not to use a class member function is that we should not be required to create an object before we read its values; what values would we use to create the object if we don't yet know its values?

class Rectangle : public Shape
    double width;
    double height;

    Rectangle(double _width, double _height,
              double _x, double _y);
    double area();
    void print();

Rectangle readRectangle(); // <--- new

The readRectangle function may be defined as follows.

Rectangle readRectangle()
    int width, height, x, y;
    cin >> width >> height >> x >> y;
    // now defer to the constructor
    return Rectangle(width, height, x, y);

Here is a use of the readRectangle function:

cout << "Enter rectangle's new width, height, x, y: ";
Rectangle r = readRectangle();  // we use the read function here
cout << endl;

Methods that return new objects

Let's make a method inside the Rectangle class that rotates the rectangle 90 degrees (assume the x and y coordinates indicate the center of the rectangle, so rotating the rectangle around x,y will not change these values).

class Rectangle : public Shape
    double width;
    double height;

    Rectangle(double _width, double _height,
              double _x, double _y);
    double area();
    Rectangle flip();  // <--- new
    void print();

Rectangle readRectangle();
Rectangle Rectangle::flip()
    // put height first, width second, to rotate 90 degrees
    return Rectangle(height, width, x, y);

Here is how we might use it:

Rectangle r(8.0, 12.0, 9.3, 2.3);
cout << endl;

Rectangle r_flipped = r.flip();
cout << endl;

And here is the result:

Rectangle 8 by 12 at position 9.3,2.3
Rectangle 12 by 8 at position 9.3,2.3

Constructors and inheritance

When a class inherits from another class, often the subclass will want to have its own constructors that refer back to the parent class's constructors. For example, consider the following class hierarchy:

Bank Account UML diagram

The BankAccount class should have a constructor that allows the owner and balance properties to be set:

class BankAccount
    string owner;   // these are private
    double balance;

    BankAccount(string _owner);
    BankAccount(string _owner, double _balance);

    // ... other methods

// default constructor
    owner = "";
    balance = 0.0;

BankAccount::BankAccount(string _owner)
    owner = _owner;
    balance = 0.0;

BankAccount::BankAccount(string _owner, double _balance)
    owner = _owner;
    balance = _balance;

Now, the MoneyMarketAccount class should use those constructors in its own constructors, like so:

class MoneyMarketAccount : public BankAccount
    int numWithdraws; // private data

    MoneyMarketAccount(string _owner);
    MoneyMarketAccount(string _owner, double _balance);

  : BankAccount()
    numWithdraws = 0;

MoneyMarketAccount::MoneyMarketAccount(string _owner)
  : BankAccount(_owner)
    numWithdraws = 0;

MoneyMarketAccount::MoneyMarketAccount(string _owner, double _balance)
  : BankAccount(_owner, _balance)
    numWithdraws = 0;

In order to call the parent's constructor, we use the : followed by the parent's constructor function call (e.g. BankAccount(_owner)).

Public and private data and methods

C++ allows a programmer to protect data and methods in a class from being accessed by other code that's not part of the class. If we create a class but don't specify anything as public: then it's all private.

The BankAccount class above has two private data members (indicated by the minus signs in the diagram): owner and balance. Why should those be private? We don't want to allow other classes or other code to decide that the owner has changed, or that the balance has changed without using the deposit or withdraw function.

Here is how we specify that those variables are private:

class BankAccount
private: // not necessary; default is private
    string owner;
    double balance;

    // ...

The construct for BankAccount (as shown above) sets the values for owner and balance, and the deposit and withdraw functions change the balance. However, given a BankAccount object myaccount, how do we find out the owner and the balance? These are private data members, so we are not allowed to do this: cout << myaccount.balance << endl;

Instead, we would add "getters" and "setters":

class BankAccount
private: // not necessary; default is private
    string owner;
    double balance;

    string getOwner();
    void setOwner(string _owner);
    double getBalance();

    // ...

Now we can find out the balance like this: cout << myaccount.getBalance() << endl; Notice there is no function for changing the balance (except via deposit and withdraw, which are not shown here).

A class may also have private methods. For example, maybe both the deposit and withdraw methods call a method named notifyOwnerByEmail that send deposit/withdraw receipts to the owner. This method should only be used after a deposit or withdraw, so there is no reason for other code to call notifyOwnerByEmail directly. Thus, that method should be private, so that only code that is part of the BankAccount class can use the method.

If all constructors are marked as private, then no instances of the object can be created. This is a rarely-used but sometimes necessary feature.

class n. & adj. [Origin: Latin classis via calare, "to call to arms."] 1 n. (Object-orienteering) Data members encapsulated with a set of methods dying to get at them. 2 n. (Marxism) A subset of society encapsulated with a set of methods for exploiting and exterminating both itself and other subsets of society. 3 n. (Style) Someth'n' you jest plain got or don't. 4 adj. (Of a struggle) iterative, as in the attempted modularization of real-world activities. -- The computer contradictionary

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