complex.cpp (Complex numbers functions' bodies)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include "complex.h"
// Constructor with two arguments
Complex::Complex(double _r, double _i)
r = _r;
i = _i;
// Constructor with one argument
Complex::Complex(double _r)
r = _r;
i = 0.0;
// default constructor
r = 0.0;
i = 0.0;
* Simple function to add two complex numbers. To add a and b, we have
* to make the following call: a.add(b); This looks a little artificial
* but can be changed to a more natural a + b by using operator
* overloading.
Complex Complex::add(Complex &rhs)
// (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a+c) + (b+d)i
double a = r;
double b = i;
double c = rhs.r ;
double d = rhs.i;
double nr = a + c;
double ni = b + d;
Complex tmp(nr, ni);
return tmp;
/* Operator overloading
* Normally, we can use operators like +, -, * etc only for primitive
* data types in C++, like int, char float double etc.
* However, C++ allows us to extend these operators to work on our
* classes by by overloading them. The following function overloads
* the '+' operator so that we can use a simple command like c = a + b
* to add two objects of type Complex.
Complex Complex::operator+ (Complex &rhs)
// (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a+c) + (b+d)i
// double a = r ; double b = i;
// double c = rhs.r ; double d = rhs.i;
// double nr = a + c;
// double ni = b + d;
// Complex tmp(nr, ni);
// return tmp;
return Complex(r + rhs.r, i + rhs.i);
// Overloaded '-' operator
Complex Complex::operator- (Complex &rhs)
// (a + bi) - (c + di) = (a-c) + (b-d)i
// double a = r ; double b = i;
// double c = rhs.r ; double d = rhs.i;
//double nr = a - c;
//double ni = b - d;
//Complex tmp(nr, ni);
//return tmp;
return Complex(r - rhs.r, i - rhs.i);
// Overloaded '*' operator
Complex Complex::operator* (Complex &rhs)
//(a + bi)*(c + di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + dc)i
// double a = r ; double b = i;
// double c = rhs.r ; double d = rhs.i;
// double nr = (a*c) - (b*d);
// double ni = (a*d) + (b*c);
// Complex tmp(nr, ni);
// return tmp;
return Complex((r * rhs.r) - (i * rhs.i), (r * rhs.i) + (i * rhs.r));
// To be completed in next class
Complex Complex::operator/ (Complex &rhs)
Complex c = rhs.conj();
double n = rhs.norm();
// Complex tmp = (*this)*c;
// tmp = tmp / (n*n);
// return tmp;
return ((*this) * c) / (n * n);
Complex Complex::operator/ (double rhs)
return Complex(r/rhs, i/rhs);
// returns the conjugate of the complex number for which it is called
Complex Complex::conj()
// conj a + bi = a - bi
return Complex(r, -i);
// returns the norm of the complex number for which it is called
double Complex::norm()
// norm a + bi = square_root(a^2 + b^2)
return sqrt(r*r + i*i);
// prints the complex number
void Complex::print()
if(i < 0)
cout << r << " - " << (-i) << "i" << endl;
cout << r << " + " << i << "i" << endl;
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